Brief Review: The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy


    The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy follows a man who is on his death bed and begins to reflect on his life. As the reader joins him in the journey of his life, Ilyich begins to doubt if he actually lived a good, fulfilling, meaningful life. Or if he just blindly followed the path that society had set out for him. The question of what does it actually means to have a good life is a constant theme. The story really focuses on morality and life and death.


Before diving into my review, please note that it is based on my opinion of the book. As you consider my thoughts, remember that you are allowed to have different feelings about this book. If you haven't read it yet, feel free to pick up a copy and form your own opinion on it. 

Content Warnings: Violence, Death, Blood, Gore, Grief, Psychological/Emotional Abuse, Rape, Sexual Assault, Confinement, Manipulation, Kidnapping.

Note: This book contains some sensitive topics that may be triggering for some readers, please proceed with caution.


    The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy ended up being a far more compelling read than I had ever anticipated! As my second Tolstoy book (the first being Anna Karenina), I knew that it would make some type of commentary on society, but I had no idea just how thought-provoking it would prove to be! I loved how much it made me think especially since it was quite a short story. Overall, I quite enjoyed my read of it and I definitely enjoyed it more than Anna Karenina!

Rating: 4/5 stars 

Author: Leo Tolstoy

Genre: Adult Classic


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