Spoiler-Free Review: You've Got Gifts by Kristin A. Sherry

 Thank you to Netgalley and Black Rose Writing for an early review copy of this book! 

 Before diving into my review, please note that it is based on my opinion of the book. As you consider my thoughts, remember that you are allowed to have different feelings about this book. I was sent a free copy by the publisher Black Rose Writing and Netgalley as an early review copy, however, that does not affect or influence my review of the book. If you haven't read it yet, feel free to pick up a copy and form your own opinion on it.


Note: This book IS a picture book that is intended for young readers, if you choose to read it, keep that in mind.



    This was a quick and adorable little children's picture book. I like how it really encourages young children to explore their personalities and discover what their strengths are as human people. Obviously, this book is intended for small children and I think this is a great one for parents to read to their child(ren). As someone who is not within the intended, target audience range, I can appreciate what this book does for young children who read it or have the book read to them. It doesn't really offer anything that broadens an adult's perspective, but, is a must-read for a small child.

    I particularly enjoyed the illustrations found on the pages of the book, I thought that they were beautiful and really added to the story. These pictures definitely make it more engaging and appealing to the target audience of young children. As many picture books are, this story was quite repetitive always starting with the same sentence fragment, each time with a different ending. As a grown person, this can be tedious to read and irritated me a bit. However, I think this is very helpful for young kids who have a very limited vocabulary and are just learning how to read or process the information told in stories.

    Overall, I appreciated what this book has to offer to children and I understand that my problems with it are purely based on the fact that I do not fit the intended target audience range. I feel like I would've loved this story if my parents had read it to me when I was around five or six years old. This is definitely a great story to read to a child in their first years of school!


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